And I always say, “Hobby saves lives". Hobby is one of the things everyone should have. It reduces stress, makes you happy and helps you release all forms of tension and anxiety. Hobby is good for both young and old. Instead of staying at home all day idle or moving from home to home gossiping which may eventually cause problems, you do things that is fun, makes you happy and feel good staying at home. HOBBY HELPS YOU DISCOVER YOURSELF Hobby helps you to spend more time with yourself and discover who you truly are. The owner of Fashionsteelenyc.com discovered blogging as a hobby before she upgraded to a business. I visit her blog often because she is so dedicated and passionate about what she does. Another blog which started off as a hobby is Makingsenseofcent.com. So, hobby leads you to your passion and passion is what will save your life. HOBBY GIVES YOU A SIDE HUSTLE You may chose to turn your hobby into a business as a side hustle or as a full time business. Like I said, many ...