As I went to make my hair yesterday at a local hausa salon, I had to sit down and wait my turn. As I sat down, I saw a little beautiful girl with her mother. Her mother was so soft, calm and gentle with her as the hairstylist braids her hair. She was so caring and loving, then I wished it was me. I wished it was me being loved that way. I wished I was pampered. Since I didn't have such privilege, I re-parent myself again. This time with soft love, compassion and care. 

Some days ago I discovered a diary, my personal diary I kept since 2015 before I had started university and I am so grateful for growth. I saw the things my 19 years old self wrote. It was wonderful. I just don't know how I discovered writing, I only bless the day I discovered this great gift. I have been writing but I can't recall the exact year I began using a pen and a book and just putting down some thoughts, ideas and words. Writing is one best skill that has stayed with me in days I thought I lost everything. I never lost my voice. I never lost the act of turning my pains into art or crying with an ink on an exercise book. I don't know if I will monetize writing one day, but I won't stop writing. I will always write. Those days I wrote in time of chaos, abuse and unhappiness. I wrote with so much bitterness. I had many negativity that surrounded me, yet I was still positive, hoping for happy days. Six years later, I am here and still writing. I am done with school and hoping to go for the next. I am a blogger, home activist, a teacher and a content creator who uses her voice so well.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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