Planning your life

 I have sat down and thought about my life in the next ten years to come and sometimes I get so confused. Confused that I wanted to go get my masters degree immediately after my service. But now that I am done with service, I am like; “Why the rush?". Since I started my healing journey, I have found contentment. Contentment in my life. Being satisfied with the little I have, not asking for more. So I really want to give myself some time. To write some more. To blog some more. To gain experience. To teach more students and meet more faces. I want a period of five years. Five years to be dedicated to my passion, my diary blog. Five years to teach, learn and teach. Five years to recover fully from pains. 

In the next five years 2021-2026 — blogging, teaching, learning, making money and looking after my health. Being health conscious.

After the five years, 2026 — I go for a masters degree.

After my masters degree, God willing I get married or be in a relationship.

I desperately need working experience. I have been home for so long. I want to have a good number of students I teach. I love teaching, I love imparting knowledge. I really wish to settle everything career and finance before I bring fought a baby. Babies are too expensive to take care of these days, so one needs to plan. 

One needs to save. One needs to invest. The years look far. It's hard but with time, it gets better and easier.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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