
Everyday Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the following things. I am grateful for peace. I am grateful for witnessing this beautiful day. I am grateful for having a roof on my head and food on my table. I am grateful for my blog. I am grateful for happiness. I am grateful for my colleague's wedding coming up on November. I am happy for her. I am grateful for all the wonderful people I have met online. I am grateful for the present. Nothing happening much but I am grateful for it. I am grateful for love. Self love and the courage to love others. I am grateful for God's love.


Over the years, I kept wondering why most humans are terrible and why some humans are more soft, gentle and understanding than others. While some are harsh, mean, strict and overbearing. Then I thought it might be from their upbringing, their experiences, the parenting they saw or something else but I realized that there is more to just upbringing and experiences. So here are the reasons why most humans are terrible.  Many humans just live life without a purpose. Many humans don't have a hobby. They prefer sex, drinking alcohol and taking drugs as a form of releasing stress. Many humans haven't completely healed from their past, emotional pains, bitterness and childhood traumas. Many humans live life with high expectations. Many humans see others as a means to control, rule, make money and lead.  Many humans are faced with extremism. Extreme way of life and behaviours. Many humans focus so much on money and less on passion. Many humans are so full of pride. They can't be hu...


 Remember, you can't have everything in life. Maybe you may have everything, you didn't get them all at the same time, but you can definitely have a better life with what you have. You can have a better future, a better experience, a better life journey it all depends on you and what you want. So here are a few tips to getting a better life. Not a survival life, but a better life. Get Educated Education has never gone out of age nor season. Get informed, be aware of everything that is happening around and within you. It pays less to be ignorant than to be educated. You are at a greater advantage when you are educated. Go to school, learn, educate yourself. This way, chances are you will get a better life. Education exposes you to many experiences and opportunities. 2. Have a Purpose You wouldn't want to be going through life cluelessly. Would you? So you got to make plans and live a purposeful life. Where do you see yourself in the next five or ten years? Write down those d...


 Right from infancy to adulthood we have been taught the golden rules and table manners. Most of us might have forgotten it and probably lived our lives carelessly. Before I move further, I would like to explain what etiquette is. Etiquette are signs of good manners, good breeding, good conduct, good home training and civility. Etiquette is not only about eating without talking or washing dishes after a meal. There are more to it. Say thank you after an offer. Say I'm sorry when you have offended someone or stepped on toes. Don't shout in public spaces. Keep your love life, sex life and whosoever you slept with private. Zip up your mouth and your downstairs.  Be friendly and polite. Dress decently Take a mint or sweet after a spicy meal to avoid awful smell. Look clean and tidy. Brush your mouth and keep all private areas clean. Flush the toilet after use. Call or send a message before visiting a friend, colleague or relatives. Get goodies for anyone you visit. Avoid argument ...


Work is life, life is work. Work is fulfillment. Work saves us from depression, anxiety, frustrations of life, death and troubles. Also, it pays our bills. So a person who isn't working is a dead soul. Even though your parents are well to do or your brother, husband or whosoever is catering for you, it is good you have something doing. This is very necessary because at the end of the day, you see a housewife complaining about money and her husband's behaviours. What happens when they person catering for you dies or in cases of accident or eventuality? Everyone was born with a purpose, a calling and dreams. You discover your purpose and pursue your self development. You go to school, you learn a trade or skill, you perfect your craft, you create time for yourself and your hobbies, you develop yourself in any way you can. Apart from the money that work brings, work gives happiness and a sense of purpose. You are defined by your work and service to others. Moreover, work takes you...


  I get scared of one thing. I get scared of failing to build character. Maybe I may wake up one morning with a house, car, an endorsement, a job and I invest so much time in it then I forget the basis of it all, which is character. Character, habit and behaviours can be learnt, built and copied either consciously or unconsciously. It is made up of our background, environment, experiences and life. This is why I keep reading books, self-help books, I do research and study the lives of others. I learn how to be polite, kind and sensitive. Sensitive in the sense of showing empathy to people's problems. I don't take anyone unaware, I call them before I visit. I send them a text or a message to enable them be ready. I show courtesy and respect to everyone irrespective of age, body size, social status or class. After eating a meal, I say thank you to the person who prepared the meal. Good manners and character can be learnt. Be humble to amend any horrible character or behaviours yo...


 The world needs healing, organizations need healing, families need healing, homes need healing, individuals need healing and a rebirth of humanity. I came across lots of complaints of children about abusive parenting on Facebook, Twitter, Quora and Nairaland and I felt sad. Sad that I had experienced all of that and I know where the shoe pinches. You need to go through the horrible experiences to be sensitive to dysfunctionality. We need holistic healing. We have to heal physically, spiritually, mentally, psychologically, emotionally and financially. Hurt people hurt others. The reason why we have many angry, depressed, sadist and frustrated humans is because humans don't heal. Damaged generation keep damaging their kids and the abusive cycle continues. And we don't invite or even see the need for counselors, psychologist and therapist in our lives. I found it difficult healing trauma because I stayed with humans who didn't understand me. They might have loved me but the e...