Work is life, life is work. Work is fulfillment. Work saves us from depression, anxiety, frustrations of life, death and troubles. Also, it pays our bills. So a person who isn't working is a dead soul. Even though your parents are well to do or your brother, husband or whosoever is catering for you, it is good you have something doing. This is very necessary because at the end of the day, you see a housewife complaining about money and her husband's behaviours. What happens when they person catering for you dies or in cases of accident or eventuality? Everyone was born with a purpose, a calling and dreams. You discover your purpose and pursue your self development. You go to school, you learn a trade or skill, you perfect your craft, you create time for yourself and your hobbies, you develop yourself in any way you can. Apart from the money that work brings, work gives happiness and a sense of purpose. You are defined by your work and service to others. Moreover, work takes you out of lots of troubles. It keeps you busy from gossiping, worrying over life and your problems. In case of emergency or midlife crisis or a divorce, with work by your side, you can go through it with ease. You put all the vibes and negative emotions to work. You focus on work. When relationship, marriage or anyone fails you, you know you have got work by your side. The happiness you feel knowing that no matter what happens you can always stand on your feet is wonderful. And many times our purposes, self development and dreams are cut off by early relationship and early marriage. We misplace priority. We even leave our purpose to focus on someone else's purpose. First fix yourself, build yourself, develop yourself before going into someone's life. Use your pre-twenties to build up yourself. Nothing is as sweet as having your money and having a say over your money. And even having a say in your home. You are not been trashed and rubbish for being an housewife. You can easily leave an abusive environment you can't endure. Work gives you clarity and experiences. You're more experienced when you work and have your hands on something. You understand life better.


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