Remember, you can't have everything in life. Maybe you may have everything, you didn't get them all at the same time, but you can definitely have a better life with what you have. You can have a better future, a better experience, a better life journey it all depends on you and what you want. So here are a few tips to getting a better life. Not a survival life, but a better life.

  1. Get Educated
Education has never gone out of age nor season. Get informed, be aware of everything that is happening around and within you. It pays less to be ignorant than to be educated. You are at a greater advantage when you are educated. Go to school, learn, educate yourself. This way, chances are you will get a better life. Education exposes you to many experiences and opportunities.

2. Have a Purpose

You wouldn't want to be going through life cluelessly. Would you? So you got to make plans and live a purposeful life. Where do you see yourself in the next five or ten years? Write down those dreams and start working on it everyday. 

3. Keep Learning and be Flexible

Change as the world is changing. Each generation has it's own patterns and trends, you follow suit. Be humble enough to learn and accept corrections. Be flexible. Don't be stagnant in one place, same environment, same position for years. Grow! They should be room for growth and development in your life. 

4. Be Intentional 

Please know what you want. Make decisions for yourself. Not your friends making decisions for you or your mother or your father or siblings. Accept their advice, think over it but please be intentional about what you really want. What do you want for yourself? Many humans end up complicating their lives because they lived according to what their parents wanted, what their friends wanted without knowing that everyone is a unique individual. What worked for Mr. A might not work for Mr. B. Know what you want and pursue it. Don't wait for anyone to tell you do this or that. Allow your instinct direct you. Follow your path. We all have our journey in life. Don't make one person the centre of your life. And of course maybe someday you discover that you can't exist or survive without them. Know your journey, know your path and stick to it. Don't live life for anybody.

5. Make Use of Technology

We are in the age of technology, so you can't do without technology. Make life easier and work faster with technology in your home or office. Market your skills online, advert yourself and anything you can do. Read good articles online. Use the internet wisely. If there is something good you can do, share it with the world. Don't feel shy about it. There are a lot of blogs and website online. Make good use of it. Watch educating YouTube and better your life. This generation, we have no reason to complain because we have everything at our hands. Almost everything! Even if you don't have the money or time to go to a formal school, you can be informed and educated through technology at your pace. You can also discover ways to solve human problems and get paid for it.

6. Have a Hobby

To enjoy a fun filled life, you need to discover your interest, your passion, something that drives you crazy and you can do it for fun or for relaxation without monetizing. It may be sports, blogging, drawing, singing, coaching, entertaining, communicating or anything. Have something you love and enjoy doing. Who knows? Your hobby might create opportunities for you to progress.

7. Get a Job

Yes! Get a job. You wouldn't like disturbing others with your financial problems. Would you? Having a job makes you financially independent. It mustn't necessarily be a high paying job. You start from somewhere even if it is small. It's better to start than never. You gain experience and build relationships along the way.

8. Network

Be social, build great relationships. Make friends. You can't achieve everything all alone. You would need help. Someone to assist you, coach you or mentor you. You would need connections and referrals. Have a good attitude and then network.

9. Have a good attitude

Good attitude and manners will open doors for you. Heal from everything that hurts you so you can see life clearly. Meet a counselor or a psychologist if you can. Build character. People are not after your possessions, there are after your character. And if it isn't a good one, people run away from you.

10. Be Responsible 

As an adult, no one forces you to do anything anymore or tells you to go wash dishes. You should know when to wash dishes, how to keep your home clean, wash your dirty clothes and make your environment clean. No one will force you to do these things. You have got to do it. Be a responsible adult. Be disciplined and trustworthy. If you noticed an addition or a bad habit, change it or get help. 

11. Grow

Travel, meet new people, learn new skills, accommodate a difficult person, learn new ways of doing things, start a project, build a project, have something you live for, go back to school. Staying stagnant makes life boring. Staying in one place, same position, same environment or situation without a change makes life hard.

12. Heal yourself and Build yourself before committing to another human

Don't complicate life for yourself. Give yourself some years to build yourself before committing to anyone's life. If you have a pain or trauma issues, heal it first. Give yourself time to heal. Through the time of healing, you can as well build up yourself. If you have Daddy problems, mummy problems, Ex problems, relationship issues, please heal all of those things first. No one is going to fix your life for you. You are to fix it. Try and get help.

13. Enjoy your money

I have to remind people to enjoy their money. Never feel guilty for enjoying your money. It's your money and the fruit of your labour, use it however you want. Don't get so stuck that you suffer so much and fail to enjoy the money you are working for. Save if you can, but please as you save, enjoy it too. People die everyday and leave their millions in the bank. Enjoy your money while it last. Especially with your family and loved ones.


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