Outside the classroom, there are many life skills to be learnt. I actually learnt most of the skills from the hard knocks of life. Some things are not taught in school, it requires you living, experiencing and learning from your life and the lives of others. So the following are the life skills I learned outside the classroom.

  1. Listening
  2. Patience
  3. How to clean and wash
  4. How to cook
  5. How to give first aid treatment
  6. How to care
  7. How to do a research without being told to do so
  8. How to communicate
  9. Good manners and etiquette
  10. How to discover a passion
  11. How to relax and reduce stress
  12. Taking care of your health
  13. Do it yourself
  14. Take pictures
  15. Keep records
Listening is a life skill I don't take for granted. A lot of people communicate but do not listen. In fact they do not understand what has been said even before talking. It took me series of hard time to be humble enough to listen to others. I found myself in a place where no one understood me and I had no one to talk to. Then I discovered the importance of having someone who listens. It is one thing to talk, communicate, make a comment and it is another thing to truly listen and see beyond spoken language.

Life taught me how to be patient. I realized that I had to be patient, wait for my time and turn. I discovered that you can get many blessings from patience and humility. And nothing in life last long except through maintenance. I stopped rushing because I know how dangerous it is to rush and end up with problems. I take my time and make my decisions. I don't make decisions out of fear or anxiety. I wait, relax, reflect then I make decisions.

How to clean and wash
I learned how to do laundry at home. This is one life skills I learned as a child at home, not in school. When it's morning, I wash dishes, I sweep and wash clothes. I mop the floor, I fetch water. This is when electricity supply fails and there is no water at home, though I rarely fetch water. I know when to empty the waste bin. And I am not forced to do so. I find more joy in doing house chores willingly than being forced or told to do so.

How to cook
Cooking is one of the life skills I learned from home. I cook all my meals and it less the cost of feeding. It's good to know how to cook, bake, fry and know everything about food. Human beings can't do without food. Everyday we eat food, except we are on a fast. Food is what keeps us alive and healthy, so it's good we all know how to cook.

How to give first aid treatment
First aid treatment saves lives. You need a first aid box at home and know how to use it. You don't have to be a health worker, a nurse, a doctor or a medical practitioner. I know how to clean a cut and a bleeding wound. I know how to stop blood from flowing. You call a doctor in case of emergency, you give a reliever then go for check up later. All these are important things to know especially when you have kids at home or planning to have one. 

How to care
Again, this is not taught in school. We learn it with time and through experiences. When I finished school, I realized that all my school mate, course mate and colleagues were no where to be found. Thanks to technology, now everyone and everything is online. So, we communicate. You call, you send messages, you send letters, you attend weddings, you visit, you attend events and get together. These are ways to care and show concern. It doesn't always have to be about you. Go out and support others. Make them feel loved and wanted. 

How to do research without being told to do so
In school, you are told to do everything including assignment and research, so it gets difficult when you are done with school and no one forces it on you anymore. How to do research without being told to do so is a life skill I learned after school. When I have data, I surf the internet. I read and research on anything I desire. I google. Anything I don't understand I ask Google and the people who are around me. I am not ashame to ask questions on anything I don't know. This way I learn and know more.

How to communicate
I know when to talk and when to stop talking. How to listen to others so I get to know what they are talking about. Giving others a chance to say something, share their ideas and opinions. It will be toxic if I am always the only one talking and no one else talk. I give people a chance to express their feelings anywhere they can. This way, we all communicate and understand each other.

Good manners and etiquette
A lot of time, you will have to behave well and compose yourself especially in the corporate society. You say I am sorry when you have offended someone. You say thank you after a good offer. You sit properly, dress decently and watch your words in public spaces. You know how to deal with issues in office or a workplace without involving your emotions or taking a side. You know when to talk, when to give your opinion and how to express your opinions and feelings without offending the other party. This involves real work. And it's seriously not taught in school. It is something you learn as you process through life.

How to discover your passion
Many people go through life without knowing what they want or who they are. A lot with money and well paid jobs are still not fulfilled. I discovered my passion, my hobby and stick to it. Passion is what you love, what you love doing, what excites you, what gives you peace, happiness and joy even if you would spend the whole year doing it for fun without money. Passion is what grows with you. So life gets better when you know what you want, who you are and what you want to make out of your life. 

How to relax and reduce stress
All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl. Don't be overly serious in life that you have no time to rest, relax and refresh. Take time to play and have fun. Smile, laugh out loud, don't take life too seriously. Don't take yourself seriously too. Sometimes, no matter all you do or how you do, somethings are not just meant to be or happen. Don't try changing it or making it better. Take a break or quit. Relax and have fun. Please, enjoy your money and take care of yourself. You only have one life to live. And again, don't rush over anything. If anything good is going to happen, it will surely happen. 

Take care of your health
Health is very important so you have to live a healthy lifestyle, shun addiction and terrible habits. Let go of things that will endanger your health or cause health problems to you in your 40s and 50s. Avoid hot drinks, take less sugar and salt. Go for regular check-up. Get a family doctor or counselor and help yourself while you live. 

Do it yourself
Do things yourself. Do your school work yourself, plant flowers or garden yourself, make decisions yourself, decorate your house yourself, experience life yourself. Don't be caged by the ideas and opinions of people. Go out and experience life yourself. This makes you confident in yourself. Build yourself, so you have stories to tell your children, grandchildren and your loved ones.

Take pictures
Pictures create wonderful memories. Pictures are evidence. Picture shows growth and life truly lived. Take lots of pictures and save them. Yes, get a picture album for remembrance. Put the date; day, month and year. Attach some stories to it. Don't ever regret taking pictures. Pictures are stories and time spent.

Keep records
Stop throwing trash away. Save! Save everything, save every details, you might need it someday. Save important documents like your certificate, receipt, paycheck, books, password, username and relevant informations. You might need it in the next five years, ten years, twenty years and even more. Stop deleting contact, start saving contact even if there is a breakup. Life could be so funny.


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