The night before 31st July got us really thinking. Of death, of damages and just anything negative. All along, our minds had never rested. Same topic every month until it became depressing. My sister was diagnosed of fibroid and until the fibroid was taken out, she would have been constantly disturbed. This was the first time of going through such thing. A fibroid. Though my father had an operation about four years ago but it was hyena, not fibroid. So, we were so scared. The whole family was scared. Even though she had tried the local medicine of fibroid removal, none actually worked. She kept spending resources until she decided to be operated on. On the morning of the operation day, my mother prayed so hard. In fact she started crying even after they had booked a professional doctor who specializes on operation, she was still scared. My anxiety increased since I am so allergic to negativity. I kept on assuring myself that all will be well. The operation was done and everything went smoothly. She felt some pains here and there, but we are calm now that she is alright. 

So this is the good news I promised to share with you all. 

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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