In this article, I won't say leave your abusive home, run away from your parents or start living in isolation. No! I can't do that. This advice you see or read on the internet or watch people say is so hard to do. Damn so hard! Especially when you are a minor, dependant, no job, no savings, very broke and even hopeless. I have had my own share of the experience so I can tell how difficult that is. And again, no matter how bad your family is, don't go telling everyone how terrible your family is. Don't be vulnerable with everyone. Don't point fingers, other fingers would be pointing back at you. So be matured, act matured, heal in a matured way.  I know how pained, hurt, broken you are, but heal your pains the right way so you won't have things bouncing back or backfiring at you. I am saying this from experience and I wish you a healthy healing.

One thing I keep saying to anyone who has been abused is that, it's not your fault to be born into dysfunctionality and negative patterns. It is not your fault that your father beats up your mother or anyone treating you badly. Dysfunctionality in the family is not your fault so you don't push the blames to yourself, rather you heal through it. And this is how you can survive an abusive home or dysfunctionality in the family.

  1. Love yourself
  2. Care for yourself
  3. You are only to fix yourself
  4. Get therapy; see a counselor or a psychologist
  5. Have friends
  6. Don't stay in isolation
  7. Visit other family members
  8. Go on a holiday
  9. Maintain boundaries
  10. Get a job even if it is a little pay
  11. Release your emotions through hobbies
  12. Have a hobby
  13. Go to school
  14. Break negative patterns
  15. Talk to someone
  16. Don't rush into marriage or relationship. Heal first!
  17. Travel
  18. Build your spirituality
  19. Build your career
  20. Journal or blog
  21. Don't be emotionally attached to someone that you can't sleep without them
  22. Be independent
  23. Don't entertain gossips and toxic humans
  24. Remove your minds from your parents' relationship or anyone's failures. If they didn't do things well, that isn't your work to correct or fix it.
  25. Don't run away from home without having a job, what to do, money or a place to stay. It's risky out there.
  26. Engage in social activities. Leave the house often.
  27. Avoid being vulnerable with everyone. Some humans are out there to complicate human's problems. 
  28. Be disciplined
  29. Get to know the person you are dating or want to marry. Get to know them deeply, especially their backgrounds so you won't repeat old patterns
  30. When you start a family, get a family therapist or counselor.
  31. Don't make your problems a public entertainment
  32. Don't rush the healing process
  33. Work and volunteer your services
  34. Play, have fun


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