Live in the present. Stop worrying about the future. If you survive the present, then you can survive the future. Live now, not in the past or the future.
So it's been four months since I started working in a school in Calabar that has forty years of existence. A really old school whose facilities need maintenance. Chairs damaged, laboratory decay and everything in there looks so old. Then I wondered, what am I doing here? And I realized that I needed experience. I wanted to leave home so long as it is for learning. I learned. I saw how mismanagement can cause serious damage to a school. I saw how not treating teachers well or paying them on time could be a danger to school business. Especially changing teachers every time in school or teachers leaving a school due to ill treatment. By loving yourself, you love others. When you love yourself, it becomes so easy to love others. It becomes easy to love your staff and pay them on time. It becomes so easy to treat people well. Elizabeth Diaries ❤️
Dear Diary, I come with so much to tell. I will tell you everything as I am your faithful girlfriend. Growing up, I had trust issues. I barely trusted my parents, so I couldn't trust anyone. I grew up to see the mess my father's bad friends and company brought us into. My father had many frienemies, not friends. They laughed, smiled, ate with him, squandered his money, but said badly of him at his absence. His friends never loved him, he was only used. His frienemies made decisions for him in his own home. My father never took my mother's advice. He said my mother was an illiterate. So, he clinged to his friends. He wasted half of his wealth on his friends and their dubious lives. My father's weakness was trusting people so much and giving his whole life to them. He never loved us, he gave all his love to strangers and neglected his family. They used him, they blackmailed him, they abused him, they messed him up. We as his family were part of the whole mess. This wa...
Remember, you can't have everything in life. Maybe you may have everything, you didn't get them all at the same time, but you can definitely have a better life with what you have. You can have a better future, a better experience, a better life journey it all depends on you and what you want. So here are a few tips to getting a better life. Not a survival life, but a better life. Get Educated Education has never gone out of age nor season. Get informed, be aware of everything that is happening around and within you. It pays less to be ignorant than to be educated. You are at a greater advantage when you are educated. Go to school, learn, educate yourself. This way, chances are you will get a better life. Education exposes you to many experiences and opportunities. 2. Have a Purpose You wouldn't want to be going through life cluelessly. Would you? So you got to make plans and live a purposeful life. Where do you see yourself in the next five or ten years? Write down those d...
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