Be Strong Enough

 Be strong enough to accept rejections.

Be strong enough to say no.

Be strong enough to accept failures.

Be strong enough to make mistakes.

Be strong enough to learn from your mistakes.

Be strong enough to try again.

Be strong enough to keep moving.

Be strong enough to love yourself.

Be strong enough to do what you love.

Be strong enough to dream big dreams.

Be strong enough to face challenges.

Be strong enough to start somewhere.

Be strong enough to be okay with yourself.

Be strong enough to add value to other's lives.

Be strong enough to feel pains.

Be strong enough to heal and let go.

Be strong enough to believe in yourself.

Be strong enough to do those things you love.

Be strong enough to help a fellow.

Be strong enough to have hope.

Be strong enough to see lessons in the midst of negativity.

Be strong enough to grow

Be strong enough to change.

Be strong enough to upgrade.

Be strong enough to say good things to others.

Be strong enough to share.

Be strong enough to love with a clean mind.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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