Own your lane

Dear Diary,

2nd January 2021

5:46pm, Nigerian Time

I love owning things. Owning my freedom, owning my lane, owning my time, owning my pace. I love the idea of having my own thing. We all live in the world and sometimes I get tired of people making me feel less of a human being, restricting my freedom because they have what I don't have. I get humiliated and see people treat me like shit because they own a thing. And mostly because money and privileges give them power. I don't like abuse and I stand against it. Owning things eradicate abuse. This is why even while staying in a lodge with people as a family, I owned my things. I first bought a gas cylinder, then a pot, plates, spoon, tray, knife, cutting board and cups. I don't like the feeling of someone humiliating me because I don't have my own thing. Having my own thing is liberating. I use it at my time. I don't have to depend on anyone. I don't have to wait for another to finish using his or her things then he or she gives me. I own my things, I own my lane, I set boundaries and so far these have been good for my mental health. With the little money I have, I make sure I get everything that will make me feel comfortable. Owning your thing, owning your lane, owning a business, owning your time and everything ownership stops abuse.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️



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