Gratitude Day 1/24

 Dear Diary,

January, 25th 2021

Nigerian Time 9:00pm

Today I begin my Twenty four days gratitude challenge. I will be thanking God for all the good things He has done in my life and that of my family. Today, I thank God for my life. Each day I will post a picture of me or people I love. I will show gratitude to all of them. This picture was taken in Wailo Camp, Bauchi State, Nigeria. The lady standing beside me was a corper who asked that we took photos. At first I didn't want to take the photo, but I had loved the photo after. I had met beautiful people at the course of this service and I had gladly took pictures with them all. Photos are for good memories.

For the past twenty four years, God has been good. I am loved, I am cared for. I get sick and I get well. The journey has been beautiful, painful, eventful and sometimes traumatic. It wasn't a rosy one. I faced storms, I climbed mountains and passed through the valley. I have known abuse. I have known lack. I have been blessed abundantly.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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