Of peace

Dear Diary,

8:11 am, Nigerian time

As I wake up every morning to witness the freshness of the day, I am grateful. I woke up, brushed my mouth using Oral-B toothpaste, dressed up and went to 6:00am Mass. I enjoy 6:00am Mass than anyone else. The cold, the early morning wash, the fresh breathe, the breeze from the trees and flowers all contribute to my wellness. I left the apartment for a better place since Friday and I enjoy my stay here. No gossip, no negative talks, no harsh words. Just me, solitude and peace. I have finally accepted the death of my colleague. Death is inevitable, life goes on. I can't keep feeling sad forever. Last week Saturday, I attended a colleague's wedding. It was so beautiful, I traveled all the way to Jos, Plateau State. I was given Masah(made of rice and millet) with chicken. I was given fried rice too packed in a take away, together with souvenir(Bucket and a bag). The bride was beautiful and I was happy I never missed such a joyful event. Work is over, holiday is here. And it is just me and peace. 2020, I had known peace. Peace of mind and all round peace through solitude, staying at my lane and minding my business. Peace is very vital in one's life. Without peace there is no happiness. Without peace there is no contentment. I have known peace. And I try all my best to maintain my peace and live peacefully with others. Meanwhile, it is 22nd December 2020. I smell Christmas already.

The photo up there showing a picture of a girl was drawn by a Facebook friend for my page, Bethy-Creative Stories. I love colour drawings. 

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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