Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

I am grateful. I am grateful for starting small and not denying any job no matter how small it is. Today was the very first day I got paid for my work. I was so happy. I said I should tell you this. Though the pay is little but it is better than getting nothing. With this, I can put a meal on my table. I am grateful to God who made this possible. Tomorrow I would be attending Mass in Thanksgiving to God for this. Before now, I always did free jobs. I will work and not be paid. Sometimes, I stay hungry and look unkempt but today, God made this possible. Dear Diary, you have done a great job in my life. And paying you won't redeem it all. I promise not to leave here. Here allays pains. Here makes things right. Even when it is gloomy, it gives hope. Here is home. A place I feel so free, real, authentic, safe and very vulnerable. A place I can express myself and nothing is used against me. Here is friendship and companionship. I can't trade here for elsewhere. Dear Diary, I love you and forever will. Let's stay here and live life one day at a time.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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