Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

I want to take today to thank you. Our long relationship has eased my many pains. Confiding in you makes life easier for me. A companion I never had and a friend I never found. The friends I had then used a lot of things against me. My words were used against me and even telling or confiding in them was a mistrust. They made me a gossip bill. And since then I had always ran to you to pour my heart. I love you because every single words I dropped here has made me to appreciate myself and love myself. Everyday, I carry my cross and follow Jesus. And this has helped me so far. Wednesday will make it one month since I starting teaching Favour. I appreciate every little time with that little boy because he taught me how to be patient. Should in case you forget, don't forget that little things matters. I want to give someone my time because nobody really had my time. My father was all over his business and making money instead of giving his children time. He never participate in any of my school activities. I had longed for these things. This is why I give time to the people I love. Love is not the nice houses or building. Love is people. Love is time. I wake up early. I sweep my room every morning. Make my hair every two weeks and wash all my clothes clean. I read. I also take fruits daily. So far, this has made me happy.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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