Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

I had known earlier that there are two ways to life; putting blames on someone or people all your life and taking responsibility for your life and the decisions you make. My mother once advised me never to date a married man or be a second wife. She said dating a married man was like dating a priest, he will never leave his God, his church for a girl. You will always be a second choice and remains a second choice. You will be hidden and not be shown to the public. So, I stood by her advise. The few love I had were not married. Single to the core. Married men approached me countless times. I always do trick them and ran for my dear life. I just didn't want to be another woman's prayer point. I didn't want to be the reason children are not happy in their homes. I had conscience. I feared God. I didn't want to cause pains, misery and tears for another woman. The last thing I will do is getting laid by a married man. I don't hate or dislike them. I just don't want to have a relationship with someone's husband. I remember a time my mother brought out a photograph and felt really bad. It was a picture of my father posing with another woman. They hugged dearly in the photograph. This made my mother sad, unhappy, bitter and jealous. Especially when my father never took such picture with her. I grew up seeing my mother crying, praying, spending her entire life blaming a man. I saw young girls and women reaping where they did not sow. My father had many girlfriends. He hide them all. He gave money to them all. I saw young girls feeling so comfortable dating my father, a married man. This hurt me lots of times. I vowed never to do such to any woman. It is not a good thing to do. Did I tell you I went back to the Convent? I went there today. Sister served me well and wants me to come see her again tomorrow. She said she had missed me. That I took so long not returning back. I am an aspirant. Let's see how well it goes. I reserve some story for another day. One story at a time.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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