Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

The greatest joy will be seeing my baby girl. Holding her closer to me, cuddling her and letting her suck breast as much as she can. If the baby is a boy, then he sucks same too. I overheard mothers saying baby boys suck breast more. I will put all my babies on exclusive and have a great bond with them. I love babies and now, I wished I had one. I loved seeing women breastfeeding their babies in public. Most times, I would stare and not blink. I admired the innocent eyes of the baby, how they looked so precious staring at mummy's face. I admire the shape of their mouth while sucking the breast. How they feel so free and relax is wonderful to behold. I love every moment of a nursing mother. Then the baby finally grows big into something awesome. Knowing his left and right. I won't want to be that mother or parents that hides things from children. Love can't grow in secrecy. No one can grow in it, especially in an emotionally neglected home. The pains and wounds are oftentimes deeper to heal. Though it heals, the scars remain.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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