Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

Do you know the lyrics of ‘It pays to serve Jesus.'?  I so much love that hymn. It moves me, my every being. I know it is hard, but I am going to try. I don't know how to begin, I am scared, but still, I will try. I want to surrender everything to God. My knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, family, material possessions will be nothing without God. I am nothing without God. May I not forget that I needed God desperately in my dark days. I saw a saviour. He saved me. When I was restless, he gave me peace that flows like a river in my heart. I had vowed that when times are good, I will serve Him with all my life. I had vowed to give Him my whole life. I asked for love and I found it in Him. He gave me that fatherly love. He had comforted me and made all my dreams come through. I don't know how to pay Him back. I will give Him all my love and life. I love that man called Jesus and his father, God. I will loose everything to Him and not look back. He has given me the sweetest kind of love.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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