Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

Is growing a thick skin okay? Well it is, but paying attention to critics is what we should do once in a while. You won't get to hear the truth from your friends, you hear the truth from your enemies. And sometimes, it is so raw, bitter truth that one can hardly swallow. Criticism shows us our mistakes. Without it we can't learn lessons. You would always dream of having the perfect everything. When nothing was perfect right from the beginning. I have a thick skin, I let people say what they wish. I correct the ones I can and move on. It is one thing to criticize, it is another thing knowing the manner in which you criticize. Most critic can make anyone run into depression and sadness. Hence, me wearing a thick skin. I do learn lessons but I don't allow it makes me feel bad about myself and my personality. I love myself and each day, I try to be my true, real self. The best version of me, accepting all my flaws without shame and feeling proud of it. That's what humans do. So, today I just received a great news. My maternal Aunt who have been single for many years would be getting married. I was thrilled by this news. She had waited on God for such a long time. Trusting God for a husband and soon she would be a wife and a mother. I am grateful to God for all these miracles in my life and people around me.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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