Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

I woke up so early today, washing the dishes, sweeping the floors and doing all the house chores. It is quite refreshing to do work in the early hours of the morning. As usual, I was with Favour. He is picking up so fast. I read aloud to him and he could read too. I sang songs and poems to him. He really loves poems. He has a short attention span. He gets distracted easily and I can't help but condition him to stay. He loves watching cartoons. I mean, he could miss taking his meals to watching cartoons. He loves pictures, seeing real object and demonstrating in class. Favour has really taught me patience. Then, I couldn't take shit but now, I am taking all the shit in the world. Children needs time and patience to grow. I love teaching. I love going so low to the level of a child. Smiling and having a good time with him makes me happy. I love the fact that he can really express himself and he is not caged. He says what hurts him, what angers him and he expresses his feelings properly. Yesterday, my female friend called me again to come make her hair. Should I call her a friend? Not really, she isn't my friend but a person who takes advantage of others. She loves free things. I made her friend's hair and her hair sometime ago and she didn't pay me. I went to do the work with the intention of getting money only to be disappointed when I was done with the hair. I was so sad that day. She really used me. I can't go to her house anymore. She can go to the nearby salon, pay money for her hair to be made. I don't want to be used anymore and abandoned. She don't call me genuinely, but do call only when she needs help. I am tired. I am tired of being used by people. I am busy now, I have my own problems to solve and face. Let everyone go sort out the problems of their lives.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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