Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

When you see that man called Jesus and His father (God) tell Him that I love Him and that He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is the best man I have ever known and met. The only man who could make something out of nothing, beauty out of pains and something useful out of a dirt. He gives grace to the humble and made the mighty fallen. When you see Him greet Him for me. Tell Him that I will forever be grateful to Him and all my generation will bow to His reign. He changed my life for good. He gave me peace which flows like a river in my heart. He made my stormy days over and my days of afflictions He made it short. After the one year service to my country, I would be furthering my studies. I loved school. I had always wanted going to school. I found solace in school. So, I would be going back to do my Masters program. I had a B.Ed(Eng.) Also a certified Teacher. It is about time I become a Master. I won't change my field. I still go for Education, any day, any time. I loved Education. It is really a good course for women. Also, I have thought of becoming a Nun and the whole thing sounds stressful. I have to undergo a training of four years. It is like starting all over again. Four years is enough for me to get my Masters and establish myself. I don't want to be caged again. I don't want to blame people for my problems anymore. I might go there and things don't work out as planned. I am very sensitive. The last time I went to the Convent, I didn't like the body language of some Reverend Sisters there. I smelt some resentment, jealousy, envy, hate and sadness. I saw much of pretense. I might go there and I don't like people' character there. I might stay hungry. They might not look after me well. I want to be myself this time. I want to be free. I want peace.


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