Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

I so love you and I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me. I am grateful to God for His sufficient grace and mercies upon my life. I am grateful for all good things, what I have now and those yet to come. I'm just thankful for all the things life has taught me. At 24, I have gain experience bigger than my age. Through writing, seeing life, traveling, learning from others, I am able to shape my life to what I want and love. Only what I love. I learnt sometime ago the importance of having a private life. I learnt how to solve my personal problems and life problems without rubbing it on people's faces. Not when some people had mocked me for complaining so much concerning my situations then. I searched out for my growth and development without telling anyone I was actually building myself. Some people were surprised when I told them, I had graduated from the University. They were surprised because I never told them I was going to school. Only my family and close friends knew about it. People were surprised how I finished a course of four years without them knowing about it. Now, this is me. I love taking people by surprises and shocks. I hardly tell people about my growth. If you don't ask, I won't tell you. Also, I thought telling people about my personal growth and development was not necessary. I did this to avoid people with negative opinions and nothing good to offer. I had stopped telling people about my plans, personal growth and development a long time ago. If I need a thing, I go get it. I don't tell anyone. This way, I shock a lot of people. This has saved me. This has taught me that it is not really necessary to let people who do not contribute to your life know your growth. Keep things to yourself, especially your personal development and growth. Someday, you will shock and surprise many. Especially the people who think you are a nobody or just a mess.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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