Elizabeth Diaries

Dear Diary,

I thought of her. Those days, crazy in all forms of awesomeness. She was my Lecturer. The Lecturer who told us to have as many plans as possible as a young girl. Plan A, plan B, C, D, E and Z. A widow, her husband died when she was 19. At 19, so young, fragile and naive. She told us those crazy things she did during adolescent. How she followed her boyfriend, traveled overseas with him without telling her parents. She told us how she dealt with life after her husband's death. She held the hospital bed, shaking her husband many times so he could wake up for her. She cried and she was tired of weeping. She told us how devastated she was as everything was gone. She was left with two male children to take care of. She also said she took up a teaching job. She furthered her studies through part time programme. She got her Masters, then her PhD. She survived all of these and still came out stronger and better. Each time I search the word crazy, I could picture her in my mind. Crazy, courageous, can express herself so well without feeling shy. She was crazy in all forms of awesomeness.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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