Dear Diary

First dear diary, I still don't understand why people are ashamed of telling or accepting their stories. I can't understand why people still live in the past and can't accept their past and move on. Once, I was also ashamed until I discovered that everything is a story. I accepted my past, I accepted my story, I moved on and I write on these things. I remember in 2014 when I started sharing my stories on Facebook, people shut me up. I remember complaining of the parenting style in Africa and I was called a disrespectful child. Truly, I am here to write everything. I had said when I get a pen, when I survived, when I am strong, when my world is calm, when the storms are over, I will write everything. For those times I wasn't allowed to speak up. For those times that speaking up was equivalent to insult. For those times I wasn't allowed to express myself. For those times I had lived in a caged, not a home. For those times I depended on a man and he used everything against me. I had trusted him so much because he was my blood father. For those times he treated us like animals. I had said, I will tell the world about him. I will tell the world about a man who had money, but no love. I will tell the world about a man whose ego and pride ruined his home. I will tell the world about an extremist. I will tell the world about a man who never allowed us cough in peace. I will tell the world about a man who never had love. I love him still because he is my father. And he needs more love than I do.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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