Elizabeth Diaries: GRATITUDE JOURNAL

Everyday, each passing day, be grateful for life.❤️
This evening, my heart is glad and so full of joy. I had a good day beginning from the early hours of the morning and until now. I woke up early, started my day with praying the rosary, then moved on to do house duties. I washed dishes and made sure everywhere was clean. At moon, I took a walk to the market to get some fruit. I journaled and rested. That's was all about today and I thank God for life, praying for a better tomorrow. I am grateful for seeing my lost phone. Last week, I kept my phone somewhere and I couldn't find it. I searched and looked for it to no avail. I never had hope of seeing the phone again. Later on after searching and being tired, I relaxed and accepted my fate of getting a new phone. Not quite long, I saw the phone again.


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