Elizabeth Diaries: GRATITUDE JOURNAL

I have so much to thank God for. I can't tell all His goodness, I could write a whole book from it. If I tell it all, it will be a story for another day and a day after the next. My life is truly a story to tell. God saved me and healed me from the trauma of my mother's bad marriage. I am a child of a terrible marriage. I never wanted marriage at an early age, but I had thought of choosing between marriage and the religious life. Many times, I had thought of the religious life. I was totally bruised and broken for any man. I accepted God and He loved me unconditionally, He gave me the fatherly love I never had and He healed me one day at a time. The tales of a bad marriage and it trauma is not a nice story to tell. But, I thank God everyday because he saw me through it all. And I became a survivor. The story of a bad and unhappy marriage is not a nice story to write about. Let's keep it for another day, for some stories are hard to tell. While we are alive, let's take life one day at a time.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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