Elizabeth Diaries: 24 LESSONS OF LIFE JOURNEY

Hi Elizabeth

I write a letter to you telling you how life at twenty four is really like and it lessons.

Life at mid twenties is very ambitious. Sometimes, you believe in yourself, other times you loose hope and just want to give up. Life at twenty is sometimes shitty and filled with so much mood swings. You are happy at a moment. The next moment, you are sad and want to hang yourself.

At 24, God is everything. I never knew God was powerful until I went through some dark days. Friends left me, He stood by my side, guiding me each passing day, one day at a time.

You won't have everything, that's okay. Contentment is everything. Greed keeps you in wants, contentment gives you the joy and happiness greed couldn't. It's okay to lack. It's definitely not the end. Tomorrow will come.

Love is everything. If you can't love, you are a walking corpse. Love makes pains less. Love heals. Love restores. I gave myself to love and my life changed for good.

I had learnt this late. But it is still okay to try even though it is late. Be consistent at the little good things you do. Be creative with the little things you have. Use what you have to get what you don't have.

Be grateful. Every day, each passing day, be grateful for life. Be happy for the little you have so far.

Your friends will leave you when you start complaining so much. Nobody wants to be around a negative person who complains so much. Solve the problems of your life privately. Don't share it to public.

Take responsibility for your life. Blaming people won't change anything. Taking actions will. Make your decisions and stick to it while waiting it consequences.

You know who truly loves you when everything goes bad.

At 24, I had known that happiness was a choice. Happiness is in your hands. Don't wait for another to make you happy, you may wait till eternity and die of bitterness, sadness and sorrows. Make yourself happy.

I learnt a longtime ago that there is time for everything. Wait your time.

Don't worry about being rich, just read good books, have rich ideas and a good mindset.

One day, a stranger will come to your rescue. Show everyone love and respect on your way up, you will meet them again on your way down.

It pays to mind one's business.

Never depend totally on anyone. They might disappoint you some day.

Humility will make you stand out against the rest. Be humble, but if you can't, so be it. Life always have a way of making us humble.

Heal from every childhood problems. Move on, learn from the past, accept your past. You can't be crying your whole life. Love and happiness finds you when you least expected.

Be authentic, be honest. A fake life pays no one. A fake life won't pay your bills.

Be simple.

Be patient. Take life one day at a time and accept each day the way it comes.

Be flexible to change. Change is a constant thing. Don't be tied down to what you don't like.

Be kind. You might need kindness someday.

Give. Give the little you have. It gives joy.

Respect elders and people older than you. Have good manners.

Elizabeth Diaries ❤️


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